If you are looking for Second Year CSE Syllabus for SPPU 2019 Pattern [Batch 2022-2023] you are at the right place, Here we will provide you all the course information about the second year Computer Engineering Syllabus.

Semister 1: Subjects

- 210241: Discrete Mathematics
- 210242: Fundamentals of Data Structures
- 210243: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- 210244: Computer Graphics
- 210245: Digital Electronics and Logic Design
- 210246: Data Structures Laboratory
- 210247: OOP and Computer Graphics Laboratory
- 210248: Digital Electronics Laboratory
- 210249: Business Communication Skills
- 210250: Humanity and Social Science
- 210251: Audit Course 3
Semister 2: Subjects

- 207003: Engineering Mathematics III
- 210252: Data Structures and Algorithms
- 210253: Software Engineering
- 210254: Microprocessor
- 210255: Principles of Programming Languages
- 210256: Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory
- 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory
- 210258: Project Based Learning II
- 210259: Code of Conduct
- 210260: Audit Course
Course Objectives
- To introduce students to understand, explain, and apply the foundational mathematical concepts at the core of computer science.
- To understand use of set, function and relation models to understand practical examples, and interpret the associated operations and terminologies in context.
- To acquire knowledge of logic and proof techniques to expand mathematical maturity.
- To learn the fundamental counting principle, permutations, and combinations.
- To study how to model problem using graph and tree.
- To learn how abstract algebra is used in coding theory.