If you are looking for Second Year IT Syllabus for SPPU 2019 Pattern you are at the right place, Here we will provide you all the course information about the second year Information Technology Syllabus.

Semister 1: Subjects

214441 Discrete Mathematics
214442 Logic Design and Computer Organization
214443 Data Structures and Algorithms
214444 Object Oriented Programming
214445 Basics of Computer Network
214446 Logic Design Computer Organization Lab
214447 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
214448 Object Oriented Programming Lab
214449 Soft Skill Lab
214450 Mandatory Audit Course 3
Semister 2: Subjects

207003 Engineering Mathematics- III
214451 Processor Architecture
214452 Database Management System
214453 Computer GraphicsThird
214454 Software Engineering
214455 Programming Skill Development Lab
214456 Database-Management System Lab
214457 Computer Graphics Lab
214458 Project Based Learning
214459 Mandatory Audit Course 4
Course Outcomes
PSO1: An ability to apply the theoretical concepts and practical knowledge of Information Technology in analysis, design, development and management of information processing systems and applications in the interdisciplinary domain.
PSO2: An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing infrastructure and operations requirements appropriate to its solution. IT graduates should be able to work on large-scale computing systems.
PSO3: An understanding of professional, business and business processes, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
PSO4: Practice communication and decision-making skills through the use of appropriate technology and be ready for professional responsibilities.