If you are looking for Fourth Year IT Syllabus for SPPU 2019 Pattern you are at the right place, Here we will provide you all the course information about the fourth year (BE IT) Information Technology Syllabus.

Semister 1: Subjects

414441 Information and Storage Retrieval
414442 Software Project Management
414443 Deep Learning
414444 Elective III
414445 Elective IV
414446 Lab Practice III
414447 Lab Practice IV
414448 Project Stage-I
414449 Audit Course7
Semister 2: Subjects

414450 Distributed Systems
414450 Elective V
414452 Elective VI
414453 Startup and Entrepreneurship
414454 Lab Practice V
414455 Lab Practice VI
414456 Project Stage II
414457 Audit Course 8
Course Outcomes
PEO1: Possess strong fundamental concepts in mathematics, science, engineering and Technology to address technological challenges.
PEO2: Possess knowledge and skills in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology for analyzing, designing and implementing complex engineering problems of any domain with innovative approaches.
PEO3: Possess an attitude and aptitude for research, entrepreneurship and higher studies in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology.
PEO4: Have commitment ethical practices, societal contributions through communities and life-long learning.
PEO5: Possess better communication, presentation, time management and team work skills leading to responsible & competent professional sand will be able to address challenges in the field of IT at global level.