Engineering Graphics | Unit 1 -6 Notes

Course Objectives:

  1. To acquire basic knowledge about engineering drawing language, line types, dimension methods, and simple geometrical construction.
  2. To draw conic sections by various methods, involutes, cycloid and spiral.
  3. To acquire basic knowledge about physical realization of engineering objects and shall be able to draw its different views.
  4. To visualize three dimensional engineering objects and shall be able to draw their isometric views.
  5. To imagine visualization of lateral development of solids.
  6. To acquire basic knowledge about the various CAD drafting software’s and its basic commands required to construct the simple engineering objects.Introduction, Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion, mechanism of dry corrosion, nature of oxide films and Pilling-Bedworth’s rule, wet corrosion – mechanism: hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption, galvanic cell corrosion, concentration cell corrosion, Factors influencing rate of corrosion. Methods of corrosion control and prevention: cathodic and anodic protection, metallic coatings and its types, surface preparation, methods to apply metallic coatings-hot dipping, cladding, electroplating, cementation.To acquire basic knowledge about engineering drawing language, line types, dimension methods, and simple geometrical construction.
  7. To draw conic sections by various methods, involutes, cycloid and spiral.
  8. To acquire basic knowledge about physical realization of engineering objects and shall be able to draw its different views.
  9. To visualize three dimensional engineering objects and shall be able to draw their isometric views.
  10. To imagine visualization of lateral development of solids.
  11. To acquire basic knowledge about the various CAD drafting software’s and its basic commands required to construct the simple engineering objects.

Examination Scheme:

In Semester : 30 Marks
End Semester: 70 Marks
PR: 25 Marks

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Unit I: Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing

Need of Engineering Drawing and design, Sheet layout, Line types and dimensioning and simple geometrical constructions

Unit 2: Introduction to 2D and 3D computer aided drafting packages

Evolution of CAD, Importance of CAD, Basic Commands – Edit, View, Insert, Modify, Dimensioning Commands, setting and tools etc. and its applications to construct the 2D and 3D drawings

Unit 3: Engineering Curves

Introduction to conic sections and its significance, various methods to construct the conic sections. Helix for cone and cylinder , rolling curves (Involutes , Cycloid) and Spiral

Unit 4: Orthographic Projection

Introduction to isometric projection, oblique projection and perspective projection. Draw the isometric projection from the given orthographic views

Unit 5: Isometric Projection

Introduction to isometric projection, oblique projection and perspective projection. Draw the isometric projection from the given orthographic views

Unit 6: Development of Lateral Surfaces

Introduction to development of lateral surfaces and its industrial applications. Draw the development of lateral surfaces for cut section of cone, pyramid, prism etc.

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